SA Platforms - Ranmore

SA Platforms

South African investors

South African investors who do not wish to invest directly in the Fund or cannot because of exchange controls or the nature of their investments preventing or limiting offshore investing (eg retirement annuities, trusts), can gain exposure to the Fund locally via the following:

Ranmore Global Equity Fund plc (the “Fund”)

The Fund is available on the following:


Allan Gray – the Fund is available on the restricted list for advisers.

Momentum – the Fund is available via the Momentum Wealth International (MWI) platforms. Clients of Momentum are required to have a financial advisor who is registered with MWI and has the relevant advisor codes with MWI

Glacier – the Fund is available on the following Glacier products: Global Life Plan, Global Investment plan and Offshore Investment Plan

Glacier – the Feeder Fund is available on the following Glacier local products: Vantage Life plan (endowment), Preservation Pension fund, Preservation Provident fund, Retirement Annuity, Discretionary Investment plan

Ninety One – the Fund is available on the Ninety One Global Investment Portfolio

UK Investors

Ranmore Global Equity Fund plc is available on the following platforms:

South African Financial Advisors

Ranmore Global Equity Fund plc is available on the following:

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